Researchers Investigate the Effects of Age and Sex on Body Clocks


eMediNexus    04 February 2023

The circadian clock is a finely calibrated clock that is synced to the 24-hour cycle of Earth′s rotation. It regulates several physiological processes, including the sleep-wake cycle, hormone synthesis, and metabolism.


Mr. Felix Naef at EPFL recently shed insight on how our body clocks are impacted by sex and age by revealing the architecture of tissue-specific gene expression rhythms in humans. He noted that time-stamped measurements are frequently used to study molecular rhythms in model organisms, but they are not frequently available for human beings. The researchers′ ground-breaking method allowed them to acquire the first thorough and precise whole-organism view of 24-hour gene expression cycles in 46 human tissues.


Mr. Naef observed that the timing of the adrenal gland peaked with rhythmic gene expression during the morning and evening waves. In contrast, brain regions showed substantially less rhythmicity when compared to metabolic organs. The study′s findings revealed that female gene expression rhythms were sex-dimorphic and lasted longer, whereas male rhythmic programmes were frequently diminished with ageing across the body.


The liver′s "xenobiotic detoxification," or the process by which the liver breaks down toxic compounds, was where sex-dimorphic rhythms were most apparent. This study shed light on the complex interactions between our body clock, sex, and aging.  


(Source: https://theprint.in/health/researchers-explore-how-age-and-sex-influence-our-body-clocks/1353261/)

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